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Waking up in the morning you can stroll about the nearest park and play sports. Here the local people practice tai chi or do qigong breathing exercises. And after the sun sets, incendiary dances are arranged.
In this city, you can endlessly admire not only immense modern skyscrapers, shops and famous restaurants with a national vocation. If you are a fan of antiquity, fraught with an unknown and fascinating history, then you should contemplate something else. For example, the Temple of the Jade Buddha (it has its popularity thanks to the statues that are carved from white jade.
And the annual visit to it is equal to about two million people.); The Garden of Joy (This is an architectural and landscape complex consisting of majestic buildings, ponds and stone compositions. It is worth seeing this.); take a walk along the legendary Nanjing Street (a retail outlet where you can really find almost any thing. You obviously won't leave here empty-handed).
Learning Chinese cuisine is a good idea. But by the way, in order to eat tasteless in China, you need to try hard. Set yourself the task of understanding which of all the presented you like best: spicy Sichuan or Hunan, which is primarily famous for its stews and others. But you need to book a table in advance, because good seats here fly like hot cakes.
And we would like to recommend the following dishes: sweet potato (baked sweetened potatoes); steamed stuffed buns Nanxiang; red pork with spices; fried Kao shenghao oysters (prepared with a huge variety of spices); sweet appetizer "Soft Heart" (the most famous dessert); trepangi Xiazi Da Wu Shen (sea cucumber is used in the preparation) and so on.
The nightlife here is so diverse that everyone will find something to their liking. So you will have to focus exclusively on individual preferences.
Top escorts Shanghai will allow you to experience all the wonders of measured relaxation and achieve the highest degree of pleasure.